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These are some of the wonderful programs Coco has taught over the years, prior to March 2020.  Many changes since then have forced the programs to discontinue, but the benefits students gained through their participation will stay with them!


Yoga Programs with the G.E.C.D.S.B.

(Greater Essex County District School Board)

During Covid, Coco has been leading the online, virtual Yoga Camps and programs for children in Grades 1-3 who have Learning Disabilities and Special Needs, including "Camp Discovery" and "Camp Stride".  

She also presented Yoga to the Grade 7 and 8 groups with Learning Disabilities during their "STRIVE" workshop, in preparation for High School!

Mindfulness and Yoga"

Program at Maryvale

In October of 2014, I was asked to be the facilitator for a new study being done at Maryvale, a treatment center in Windsor, Ontario, for youths 13 to 17 years old with mental, social, and eating disorders as well as behavioral challenges.

Once the study was complete, the results were so positive, and the groups enjoyed Mindfulness training so much that the program has continued! Students spend a half-hour each week practicing various techniques of present-moment awareness, body-consciousness, breath control, and learn basic yogasana (postures) for physical health and alignment.

"Mindflow" Program

at the University of Windsor

Check out this link!

At the Center for English Language Development (CELD), within the University of Windsor, Canada, students attend weekly, half-hour sessions, during which Coco (as Lead Facilitator) shares various relaxation exercises, and present-moment-awareness techniques. The program was designed to give International students means of dealing with the stress related to being away from their home, and preparing to write their Masters and PhDs!

Mindflow is an award-winning program, developed and facilitated by

Coco Nicole Daignault, for the International students at the Center for English

Language Development (CELD) at the University of Windsor.

CLICK TO READ MORE! about the award for STUDENT SUPPORT, from

Professionals in International Education "PIE" Pioneer Award!

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